Mosaicamente 17: From Pop Art to Street Art

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Mosaicamente 17: From Pop Art to Street Art


Palazzo Montereale Mantica – Corso Vittorio Emanuele II Pordenone


Open :

Friday 17.00-19.30
Saturday and Sunday 10.30-12.30 / 17.00-19.30


For more information

Fondazione Bambini e Autismo Onlus
Tel. 0434 551463 –


This new edition of “Mosaicamente” does not honor only one artist like in the previous events, but two entire and distinct art movements that have revolutionised and characterised modern art : Pop Art and Street Art. The first one set the foundation of the change from art for few to art for many. It made use, through its artists, of everything that had to do with everyday life and product serialization. More than obvious examples are the Campbell soup cans or the Coke bottles employed by Andy Warhol or the pictures from the jet set of the time, reinterpreted in a new fancy and lively way.

The latter, Street Art, put its itself in an even more antithetical position to classic art. While not implementing mass culture products, it still was a message to everyone, with different shapes and context from the more traditional way. “Writers”, indeed, highlighting the concept of art for the masses free from any chain, have showcased, with very diverse and original styles, their works in squares, on building walls, on train wagons, often without approval or permission, artistically morphing the urban landscape and multiplying the possible end-users.

From this two vast and enticing subjects the artists from the “Officina dell’arte” took inspiration and created, through their vision, mosaics, building a bridge between an ancient and rigorous art and the more free and ever changing current which is Street Art.

The result is here for everyone to see and as always it will be the public to decide and judge the success of this, in some way “dangerous”, project.

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