Adults with autism

Over time, the Children and Autism Foundation has created a network of services that follows the autistic person and their family throughout their lives through specialized services, networked together.

In the 2004 the FBA introduced Officina dell’Arte inside the network, a place of work and inclusion designed for autistic people in which neurotypical people also work. The team is made up of mosaic artists, graphic designers, health and social health workers.

The site

The Officina dell’Arte is located inside an industrial archeology site of the late 19th century, located in a central area of the city of Pordenone (via Molinari, 41). In the early 1900s the site housed a weaving loom factory; today it hosts various production companies, including the Officina. The architectural restructuring took place respecting the industrial history of the place and at the same time with “autism friendly” standards.


The Officina is a place where to learn the rules of the world of work, develop specific skills, interpersonal skills and autonomy. For some people with autism, the workshop is a place of transit, a “gymnasium” necessary for subsequent insertion into other productive realities. For others, the workshop represents a definitive workplace, in which to express one’s talents, within a context based on respect and the enhancement of diversity.

The activities

There are three professional laboratories at Officina: mosaic, packaging and IT. The center is also equipped with a gym and a showroom. The laboratories are interconnected and allow a variety of work activities suitable for different needs and skills. Each person has a personalized daily program with indications of the tasks to be performed, according to their level of autonomy.

In the packaging laboratory, solidarity products are packaged for ceremonies, holidays or anniversaries. In the professional mosaic lab, small and large collective artworks are created and exhibited. The mosaic master of the Officina has the supervision and quality control of the works.

The working day

The Officina opens at 9.00 in the morning and closes at 5.00 pm. During the lunch break, people go to the neighboring “Villa le rogge” where they prepare lunch independently or with the help of the therapists. The aim is to pursue not only occupational objectives but also to implement personal, social and domestic autonomies, working at 360 degrees for individual growth and the construction of an independent life, according to the possibilities and characteristics of each one. Up to 15 people with autism can work at the Officina at the same time.

Officina dell’Arte and the community

The Officina and its showroom are a place open to the community; the free exhibitions are hosted in various Italian cities and during the summer the usual mosaic courses for adults and children are held inside. Special initiatives, partnerships and art and inclusion events come to life throughout the year.

For information and contacts

Officina dell’Arte Via Molinari, 41 33170 Pordenone

Tel. +39 0434 551463


Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 – 17.00

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