FBA Network and services

Fondazione bambini e autismo > FBA Network and services

The network of healthcare services of the Children and Autism Foundation is founded on the concept of global care and supports the ASD persons and their family/caregivers from childhood to adulthood, seeking the involvement of all the institutions and subjects revolving around them.

FBA centers currently offer the following services:



The diagnostic process at the Children and Autism Foundation includes:

  • evaluation of any existing clinical documentation
  • a detailed preliminary anamnestic interview
  • the clinical interview
  • the neuropsychiatric visit
  • observation of the person’s interactions with family members and staff of the Center
  • the administration of diagnostic and functional clinical tests
  • the development of a personalized project based on the assessment of the skills and areas for improvement of the person
  • the return interview with the results of the evaluation process and the delivery of a detailed written report
  • planning of any follow-ups

Where: Pordenone Operative Centre, Via Vespucci n.8/a, 33170 Pordenone – Fidenza Operative Centre, Via Malpeli 2, 43036 Fidenza (PR).

Call +39 0434 29187 (Pordenone) –  +39 0524 524047 (Fidenza).

Manager: Dr. Antonella Milan (Pordenone) – Dr. Barbara Dioni (Fidenza).



The patient or the family can ask for the taking charge after the diagnostic evaluation. The taking charge involves the implementation of a personalized educational-habilitation project which includes:

  • 1:1 individualized outpatient interventions
  • interventions for the development of personal, domestic and autonomy both in organizations and social contexts
  • home interventions
  • individual and group parent training and counseling for family members
  • teacher training and training for classmates
  • school interviews and advice to educators
  • specific training for prevention and social inclusion

The methods of intervention, summarized in a system developed in more than twenty years of experience called the “Pordenone model”, refer in particular to the cognitive-behavioral approach, to the TEACCH Program (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) and ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis).

The interventions can be provided in person and / or, if necessary, remotely (telerehabilitation).

The interventions, integrated and programmed in an individualized way according to the results of the evaluation and the educational aims of the person, include:

  • early behavioral interventions
  • intensive behavioral interventions (ABA)
  • structured psychological intensive interventions (based on the TEACCH model)
  • therapy for the development of communication skills (AAC, PECS, new technologies)
  • speech therapy
  • therapy for cognitive development
  • cognitive behavior therapy (cognitive behavior therapy)
  • interventions on imitative interaction (reciprocal imitation training)
  • therapy to stimulate relational exchange and play
  • therapies aimed at promoting the expression and decoding of needs and emotions
  • therapies aimed at acquiring social skills (social skill programs, social stories, new technologies)
  • peer mediated interventions
  • therapy for the development of autonomy
  • occupational therapy

Where: Pordenone Operative Centre, Via Vespucci n.8/a, 33170 Pordenone – Fidenza Operative Centre, Via Malpeli 2, 43036 Fidenza (PR).

Call +39 0434 29187 (Pordenone) – +39 0524 524047 (Fidenza).

Manager: Dr. Elisa Brocca (Pordenone) – Dr. Sara Bellinazzi (Fidenza).



The Respiro Program is open to children, teenagers and adults, grouped by age and interests. It gives the opportunity to spend time with peers away from home in a welcoming and “autism friendly” environment, working on building personal and domestic autonomy and, at the same time, allowing a little “breathing space” to family members.

The program, which can be accessed following a diagnostic evaluation and for a period of at least one year, includes:

  • “Weekend of Respiro” in small groups of homogeneous age, interests, and level of severity of the syndrome
  • “Holiday weeks”, i.e. summer or winter stays in accommodation facilities
  • “Play points” for toddlers involving children with autism and their neurotypical siblings or peers

Where: Villa Le Rogge, Via Roggiuzzole 7 / a, 33170 Pordenone

For information: +39 0434  370433/29187

Manager: Dr. Milan

Breathtaking projects are also periodically organized in the Fidenza Rehabilitation Center. For info: +39 0524 524047



The work programs are carried out at the Officina dell’Arte, a day-care centre for adults with autism, equipped with professional mosaic and product packaging lab, where a multidisciplinary team of mosaicists and therapeutic operators specialized in ASD work.

The program includes:

  • professional activities within the Center (artistic mosaics, packaging, creation of handcrafted products)
  • domestic autonomy activities (meals that are prepared by users together with operators in the neighboring “Villa le Rogge”)
  • social and leisure activities
  • art exhibitions and temporary shops

The products made at the Officina dell’arte are on sale and contribute to the sustainability of the service.

All the works are collective works, the result of the different skills of each one.

The Center operates from Monday to Friday, 9-17.

Where: Via Molinari n. 41, 33170 Pordenone

For information: +39 0434 551463.

Manager: Dr. Emanuela Sedran.

Website: www.officinadellarte.org https://www.etsy.com/it/shop/negoziodellarte



This program gives the possibility, mainly addressed to adults with autism attended Officina dell’Arte, to stay and sleep in a specially designed structure where they can continue to build their own path of life, experimenting the social life outside home with the help of a team of therapists and learning important skills to promote their independence (rules of coexistence, domestic autonomy, management of free time).

The service works like a guesthouse and can be attended one or more nights a week depending on the educational project.

It is a program strongly centered on social inclusion as it provides for outings to the city in a small group for playful and leisure activities, such as dining out or going to the cinema and in general enjoying the proposals of the area.

Where: Villa delle Rogge, Via Roggiuzzole 7 / a – Pordenone.

For information: +39 0434 551463.

Manager: Dr. Emanuela Sedran.



We provide training services for healthcare companies, associations, schools and institutions.

The proposals range from training and qualification on specific clinical tests, to rehabilitation aspects, to school and social inclusion strategies. The training is customized and tailored to the user’s needs.

The FBA experts also move in the national territory to follow the start of new services, start-ups, or to provide trainings on specific cases.

We also disseminate information and knowledge on autism to promote good practices, useful strategies, experiments and innovative projects.

Where: at the Pordenone Operations Center (Via Vespucci 8 / a) and the Fidenza Operations Center (Via Malpeli, 2), or on request at the offices made available by the clients.

For information: +39 0434 29187 (Pordenone) – +39 0524 524047 (Fidenza).

Manager: Dr. Cinzia Raffin.



We are constantly working to improve the lives of people with autism, through applied research and the active involvement of new subjects and “allies” in the area, for an increasingly inclusive community.

This approach leads us to implement innovative projects ranging from Applications development, to the production of educational videos, to the activation of operational tools and collaboration protocols with institutions.

We believe in the active involvement of everyone – public and private realities, volunteering, companies, schools, places of culture and aggregation – and in the creative force that can be released from the meeting of different subjects and points of view.

By promoting “autism friendly” campaigns, solidarity initiatives, products and services, the Children and Autism Foundation is a place for shared experimentation and shared projects.

Manager: +39 0434 29187, Dr. Davide Del Duca

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